You are projecting your opinion that liberals are more open minded and socially aware, and thus willing to accept osaka with open arms.
You are projecting your opinionopini conservatives are all gun toting, snuff chewing slack jawed simpletons wearing MAGA caps and shouting 'Murca is for whites.
I'm not dug in, I just have an opinion.
Actually, I’m not projecting any of that spew. It’s you that just stated YOUR OPINION of what my opinion is.
My insinuation in my original post is that if you took a poll, I think the majority of the posters stating she isn’t “American” would be more conservative politically, while those saying she is American would be more liberal. Not saying EVERY conservative or liberal would think that way, just most. And hey, I admittedly may be dead wrong.
And for the record, I am an “endangered species”...a liberal republican, or a conservative democrat. Not really sure anymore. I’m more conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social ones. I hate taxes, I’m a gun owner and a hunter, but I don’t believe the founding fathers had AR15s in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights. I don’t think a wall is going to fix the immigration crisis. I believe in a woman’s right to choose, but I’d like to believe that if it was my daughter/wife/sister I’d help her with options that would bring the baby into the world. I hate handout programs, but know that there are people out there that deserve and need legit help. We spend too much money and resources fighting drug trafficking and losing lives, but I think drug legalization is more complex than just saying “weed should be legal.”
Is this philosophy what you thought I was when you jumped to what you thought I was saying? What ideology pigeon hole can you put me into conveniently? If you know one, let me know, because I sure don’t.
I’ve voted for both parties over the years, depending on the candidates and the issues at hand. But most folks don’t do that anymore.
You said earlier that you’re “forced” to vote democrat. No one is “forced” to vote for any side. But the fact that you stated that is part of the problem with our current political system...our two-party system is broken, but that’s a whole other can of worms.
We should be able to have this conversation without immediately telling the other what we think they’re opinion is or isn’t.
Back to the original topic...if Osaka is a naturalized US citizen and can hold a US passport, then she is American. That’s a fact.
Which country she should play for in international competition is completely different. To me, if she’s spent most of her life training in the US and using US resources to become the player she is now, then she should play for the US. But that’s just my OPINION, not a fact.