Well...to be fair, Chavis primary responsibility is defense. Not HC and Defense. That being said, it's on CS's shoulders this weekend. Before you blow your gasket, I'm of the assumption it's probably over for CS but to show you how Fenves thinks you've made your move and told Strong he needs to take charge of this defense and Strong responds with I'm taking over. Then you're Fenves remember, you're going to sit back and see if your 5 Million dollar a year guy that has connected with the state in recruiting can do it. Say he comes out and hold OU to 10 and Texas puts up 35ish. Then you're the smartest president in the world. Then say he continues to succeed and we win out. Guess what, Strong is your guy. That's how Fenves thinks. How do I know? Well I just know. What do think is going to happen at this point? I really have no idea, I have been totally surprised all year at this defense.