Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (A weekend of comings and goings...)

The Hillbillies have not only the greatest theme song but also the greatest closing credits song.
the addams family horse GIF
This ^^^^^
Don’t try so hard. I was simply affirming what @Ketchum said regarding the job. Given I absolutely was prophetic as far back as a year ago in the aftermath of the Beard debacle, you might be wise to heed my words this time. I’d be glad to project any season “what ifs” related to the job for you.
RLong The Prophet
It is interesting that a week ago it was all doom and gloom at DT, then Collins comes back and we land a key piece in the portal. Amazing how quickly things can change!
Wasn’t “doom and gloom” for some of us. Collins coming back was always a possibility, and the young guys coming back have talent…technically more than Sweat and Murphy if you paid attention to their high school rankings. DTs take time/development…see Murphy and Sweat. Hell, this board was “doom and gloom” about our run defense before this past season even started.

Trust in Bo.
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When you said both positions as to Mukaba, were you referring to cb and safety?
I recall usc had elite receivers. Why so few snaps for singer.
star and safety
Good article and I partially see your point about the nuance of the hiring situation - but was your twitter statement that there was buzz about a coaching figure simply based on random orangebloods posters saying something ?

Yes. It was the rumor/buzz of the moment. Both claimed they had received calls from different people about it. It was interesting.
Happy to see Dorbah do well but it’s also a great reminder just because a portal recruit performed in a lower league doesn’t mean they would replicate at Texas.