Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (What happens next will define Sark's 3-year tenure)

Two things that readily com to my mind, Ewers is simply an average, maybe a hair above average at best, quarterback. More importantly is that Sarkisian is a very average coach when you take a full season in consideration. I steadfastly stick to my prediction of a 9-3 season. Sarkisian chokes during games and cannot fully function when he sees something he wasn’t anticipating. On the other hand, maybe losing Quinn for a bit will wake up the underperforming defense.By the way, I’m beginning to believe Sark is “all gas, no brakes”, but rather, he is ”all talk, no performance”. Being a huge Longhorn fan it is hard to admit, but Houston literally got screwed out of that game. They easily made that first down on the run that the refs marked short.
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Fair. But he was hired for his offensive prowess and QB development. It would be like hiring Gordon Ramsey to just do the books and purchasing for your restaurant.
But he's the HEAD COACH which is much like a CEO in the business world. It's his responsibility to maximize his strengths and offset his weaknesses or just general delegations to others who can excel in those other areas.

Chef Gordon can/should create the menus but that doesn't mean he also has to be the sous chef.
If Texas wins out and so does Oklahoma State who advances ?
Many more agree with you than will speak up for fear of being called names and accused of not knowing anything about the sport…..I’ll move on now!
I don't know how anyone outside of someone who sees practices daily would know who os better than the other. Malik looked better in the spring game. Thats all I have to go off of. Otherwise it's pure speculation based off of what they did in high school
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Thanks for the kind words.

I think the pperson in the program that used to guide coaches through these moments was Bill Little.
Bill Little was problematic in his own way--I can see why he was liked--good man, and historian, and loved Texas, but he was an enabler of mediocrity (particularly of Brown), touted the company line, didn't like constructive criticism, and was impediment to progress.
He, like Dodds, stayed waaaay too long.
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If we’re keeping it real questionable coaching decisions is now a weekly thing for Sark. Piss poor time management the two previous games then just a horrible call on the fake FG
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I know, like I said, the problem is I don't disagree with your takes, I wish I could but nobody knows who this team really is. Everything that was correct 3 weeks ago is wrong now. That's not good.
So on your personal list, you put Lefty lower than the Phils' greats of the 21st century? Interesting, I guess you were a little too young to see him at his peak. I just remember the early 80's Ryan vs. Carlton debates, they were Emmitt vs. Barry level.
Yes, for me.
Sark needs to quit broadcasting that any new wrinkle shown by opposition teams causes him problems. He needs to never say that again.

My god, imagine an elite coach in any level of any sport say “well, they did something different than we expected” to explain poor results. But yes, that he feels this is awful. That he says it repeatedly makes me want to add some fist-sized wall holes to my indoor decor.
How does anyone think or know that Manning is the better QB? He hasn’t played a single solitary down and, while it may have been a function of play calling, looked fairly abysmal in the Orange-White scrimmage. Honestly, hopefully this doesn’t
Sound obnoxious. I really want to know.
I don't think either are ready or good, but one is the future.

My god, imagine an elite coach in any level of any sport say “well, they did something different than we expected” to explain poor results. But yes, that he feels this is awful. That he says it repeatedly makes me want to add some fist-sized wall holes to my indoor decor.
I think this is where having a Bill Little like advisor would help him.
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Two things that readily com to my mind, Ewers is simply an average, maybe a hair above average at best, quarterback. More importantly is that Sarkisian is a very average coach when you take a full season in consideration. I steadfastly stick to my prediction of a 9-3 season. Sarkisian chokes during games and cannot fully funcTimon when he sees something he wasn’t anticipating. On the other hand, maybe losing Quinn for a bit will wake up the underperforming defense.By the way, I’m beginning to believe Sark is “all gas, no brakes”, but rather, he is ”all talk, no performance”. Being a huge Longhorn fan it is hard to admit, but Houston literally got screwed out of that game. They easily made that first down on the run that the refs marked short.
I agree with a lot of your sentiments, but I do think Ewers is better than average. He's just not great. It's a sport where your quarterback needs to be great.
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If Texas wins out and so does Oklahoma State who advances ?
It would be win percentage against common opponents.

Those common opponents are...

Iowa State
Kansas State

Among those six teams, Texas is currently 2-1, while OSU is 2-1
Bill Little was problematic in his own way--I can see why he was liked--good man, and historian, and loved Texas, but he was an enabler of mediocrity (particularly of Brown), touted the company line, didn't like constructive criticism, and was impediment to progress.
He, like Dodds, stayed waaaay too long.
I'm just saying he often gave good advice.
But none close to as talented. A+ coaching would mean he has to CLEARLY out coach the opponent. I dont think that's the case
Well, he clearly didn't out-coach the opponent this weekend, so maybe you're right.

Yet, he's playing with a rookie back-up quarterback now.
I don't think they've been aggressive enough.
I would argue we are advocating for the same thing just in different ways. From my perspective, Sark has been dogmatic in trying to go deep aggressively when it isn’t working or available. See the 2nd and 3rd quarter of last week’s game. Would suggest we need to open it up more with a shorter, dynamic passing game, which will prevent the secondary from sitting deep in those longer routes. Think it would ultimately make the intermediate and longer passing game more effective. I’m all gas man! I just want smart aggression. It feels at times like we are completely out of rhythm because we try to force something. Take what the defense gives you until they start to adjust, and then you eat their cornbread.
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Two things that readily com to my mind, Ewers is simply an average, maybe a hair above average at best, quarterback. More importantly is that Sarkisian is a very average coach when you take a full season in consideration. I steadfastly stick to my prediction of a 9-3 season. Sarkisian chokes during games and cannot fully funcTimon when he sees something he wasn’t anticipating. On the other hand, maybe losing Quinn for a bit will wake up the underperforming defense.By the way, I’m beginning to believe Sark is “all gas, no brakes”, but rather, he is ”all talk, no performance”. Being a huge Longhorn fan it is hard to admit, but Houston literally got screwed out of that game. They easily made that first down on the run that the refs marked short

The Sark criticism is a bit over the top for me and it's what's frustrating about any message board I suppose. As things stand today, here are some facts: we're ranked #7 in the country. We beat Bama on the road. Our only loss comes to an undefeated OU, which while part of the game, is a result of THREE turnovers + running into the punter (essentially a 4th turnover). We're kicking butt in recruiting leading up to this season, much less how we'll do as we start winning, including having the top player in last year's class waiting in the wings. Sark is by no means a perfect coach. He's not a coach, nor person, that doesn't have things he can improve upon. Suggesting he's not a good coach is a bit extreme though. People need to tap the brakes.

And as for your Houston got screwed - you've GOT to be kidding me. You either didn't watch the entire game and see the blatant non-holding calls or the inadvertent late hit "penalty" on Anthony Hill. The refs missed tons of calls. If that game was called fairly, I'd gladly take the outcome of it compared to what we saw. Houston doesn't extend numerous drives with those holding callas being called. Not to mention, there was not one conclusive view that showed where the ball should have been spotted. Do I think it should have been further, sure, but how much, nobody could tell based on the views we all saw..
I don't think either are ready or good, but one is the future.
Ketch - do you really think Arch is as good or better than MM, right now, today? IF he is, and that's a HUUUUGE IF, then I agree.

Personally, I think MM is better and more suited to lead this team TODAY (and thus likely until Ewers return) and if so, we still have all the upside in this season (as your initial post stated), so no way do I think we should sacrifice ANY advantage this year for the future. This year's goals are all still achievable and I truly think MM will be good enough. I think Sark believes MM is better today too. What that means later and any portal implications - worry about that another day. Play the best today and don't sacrifice anything for this season (not while winning the Big 12 is still achievable that least imo).
Yeah, I think I saw them a few weeks ago--they didn't look good. I'm always amazed that these recycled, failed coaches keep getting jobs. Reminds me of the NBA.
Want to hear something gross?

Mike Yurcich is Penn States OC
Manny Diaz is their DC
Ketch - do you really think Arch is as good or better than MM, right now, today? IF he is, and that's a HUUUUGE IF, then I agree.

Personally, I think MM is better and more suited to lead this team TODAY (and thus likely until Ewers return) and if so, we still have all the upside in this season (as your initial post stated), so no way do I think we should sacrifice ANY advantage this year for the future. This year's goals are all still achievable and I truly think MM will be good enough. I think Sark believes MM is better today too. What that means later and any portal implications - worry about that another day. Play the best today and don't sacrifice anything for this season (not while winning the Big 12 is still achievable that least imo).
I've heard nothing from people behind the scenes that suggests Murphy is really ahead of him or has played really well since the start of August.
what was that? Not trying to be a turd here at all--I'm interested. I never understood the attraction (Again, I know a lot of people liked him)
He's an old media guy.

For example, people used to make fun of Mack for saying that the first day of practice each year was the best first practice they had ever had. I'm convinced Bill told him to never say it again.
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So.. when is the depth chart for Saturday going to be released.....😂