OT: Rittenhouse found Not Guilty

Because a lot of TX democrats in the valley have been bought off by the fracking lobbyists Henry Cuellar comes to mind.
Nice try. I can tell you this there’s a ton of energy workers out of work across the country due to Dildo Joe’s policies, shutdowns etc. Just admit it Dems have screwed themselves royally in the coming elections. People in the valley are pissed about Biden’s immigration policies and will speak at the polls
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This kid was given 2 mil in donations a lot of it by go fund me. So with unlimited access to money the defense was able to stage 2 mock trials one with a mock jury. He had two chances to prepare for this trial which enabled him to prepared for the trial. No question the prosecution didn't prepare for this trial and this trial should have been a slam dunk. But they screwed up. Combine that with a 🤡 judge and you have a recipe for an acquittal. Money will do that for you.
This kid was given 2 mil in donations a lot of it by go fund me. So with unlimited access to money the defense was able to stage 2 mock trials one with a mock jury. He had two chances to prepare for this trial which enabled him to prepared for the trial. No question the prosecution didn't prepare for this trial and this trial should have been a slam dunk. But they screwed up. Combine that with a 🤡 judge and you have a recipe for an acquittal. Money will do that for you.

And there's not a thing wrong with being prepared when you are forced to defend yourself. The jury heard the evidence and made the right call. Justice was served. It's sad that some people cannot educate themselves on the facts and accept the verdict.
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This kid was given 2 mil in donations a lot of it by go fund me. So with unlimited access to money the defense was able to stage 2 mock trials one with a mock jury. He had two chances to prepare for this trial which enabled him to prepared for the trial. No question the prosecution didn't prepare for this trial and this trial should have been a slam dunk. But they screwed up. Combine that with a 🤡 judge and you have a recipe for an acquittal. Money will do that for you.
I think you are incorrect regarding "go fund me". I believe in their infinite libtard progressive wisdom they disallowed any use by him of the "go fund me" platform. I believe the reason given was that it could not be used by anyone charged with a violent crime. As we have seen though with most scial media platforms, the restrictions only apply to those not espousing the libtard progressive agenda.
This kid was given 2 mil in donations a lot of it by go fund me. So with unlimited access to money the defense was able to stage 2 mock trials one with a mock jury. He had two chances to prepare for this trial which enabled him to prepared for the trial. No question the prosecution didn't prepare for this trial and this trial should have been a slam dunk. But they screwed up. Combine that with a 🤡 judge and you have a recipe for an acquittal. Money will do that for you.
Now you're grasping. This had nothing to do with money. The facts were squarely on the side of the defendant. The prosecutor had the same set of facts. In fact, they had better facts. Remember, the HD video they withheld from the defense?
This had nothing to do with any thing other than the facts being squarely on the side of the defendant.
As Sam once said, "Take the L."
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Greg Abbott say you? Let's see in the last year Greg and his buddies have for all intents and purposes have made abortion illegal in TX. And now a lot of scared women have to go out of state. But fear not fellow Texans you can collect a good old fashioned TX bounty for $10,000 by reporting the insurer and the Dr. That comes in great during the holiday season buy all your Xmas gifts with one check. Pro choice says my body my choice. But in TX now it may be your body but it is my choice. The TX statehouse let a 36 year old Pentecostal pope (virgin said so himself) write a bill that has become law. The best thing for TX republicans is that it's not enforced it's voluntary. Which makes it difficult to challenge in the courts.

Let's see the right to have as many firearms as you want no permit required. So you can have as many as 17 firearms you can make it impossible to get an abortion, and then there's the Lone Star Act which gives white men on the border to arrest anyone without the permission of enforcement. TX has gone into voter restrictions 2.0 which makes it difficult for people who would probably vote democrat. Or somebody who doesn't agree with Texas republicans. TX republicans think they have the state locked down and now they're trying to overreach.

Abbott = craven

Patrick = cruel

Paxton = crook

TX republicans don't want to work with the Democratic party they want to destroy it.
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Now you're grasping. This had nothing to do with money. The facts were squarely on the side of the defendant. The prosecutor had the same set of facts. In fact, they had better facts. Remember, the HD video they withheld from the defense?
This had nothing to do with any thing other than the facts being squarely on the side of the defendant.
As Sam once said, "Take the L."
All of this is true all try to listen to someone besides Fox news and Entertainment and look it up yourself.

How many of you guys were engaged when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though he clearly did it. He had the money to afford the best lawyers a jury that might be sympathetic to him. Voila you have acquittal. Switch races and you have Kyle Rittenhouse.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say the police try to arrest a proud boy he tries to escape and a cop with terrible aim manages to shoot him 6x without killing him. Then let's say black kid goes to a proud boy rally to protect the neighborhood. He feels he's being attacked by proud boy protestors and takes out his assault rifle and kills two and wounds another. He's got unlimited resources like OJ and Rittenhouse and a jury sympathetic to him. Throw in Marcia Clark, Chris Garden, sprinkle a little Mark Fuhrman and pow acquittal.

And you guys would be enraged just like the Rittenhouse protestors.
All of this is true all try to listen to someone besides Fox news and Entertainment and look it up yourself.

How many of you guys were engaged when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though he clearly did it. He had the money to afford the best lawyers a jury that might be sympathetic to him. Voila you have acquittal. Switch races and you have Kyle Rittenhouse.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say the police try to arrest a proud boy he tries to escape and a cop with terrible aim manages to shoot him 6x without killing him. Then let's say black kid goes to a proud boy rally to protect the neighborhood. He feels he's being attacked by proud boy protestors and takes out his assault rifle and kills two and wounds another. He's got unlimited resources like OJ and Rittenhouse and a jury sympathetic to him. Throw in Marcia Clark, Chris Garden, sprinkle a little Mark Fuhrman and pow acquittal.

And you guys would be enraged just like the Rittenhouse protestors.
Joy Reid or Al Sharpton won't help your case. Stick to the facts of this case. We're not debating hypotheticals here.
And contrary to what you believe liveable wages unfair laborp practices, and wealth inequality are real problems. Were talking about people making up to 75 to 100 thousand a year and many of them republicans.

Why do you guys have so much contempt for these people?

The vast majority of the American people want Medicare expansion and lower drug prices. The overwhelming majority of Americans support this. 77% of republicans support this as well. All big pharma had to do was find a democrat willing to take the money and kill the proposition and now it's gone.

Why are you guys so contemptuous of this?

There's strikes going on around the country protesting unfair labor practices. Holt employee's won a big victory. Why are you guys so contemptuous of these people?

Why do you guys have contempt for people different from you?
cali, help me with your logic. So "voting restrictions", as you call it, only "restrict" Democrats? The voting laws apply to all people, wouldn't you say? How does this affect only Dems? How libs twist things around when our government is trying to keep elections fair and with integrity is a head scratcher. Somehow Dems, as they always do, make everything about race. Requiring proof of ID to say that you are who you say that you are is somehow racist? Like pretty much everything, your logic is flawed and difficult to understand.
cali, help me with your logic. So "voting restrictions", as you call it, only "restrict" Democrats? The voting laws apply to all people, wouldn't you say? How does this affect only Dems? How libs twist things around when our government is trying to keep elections fair and with integrity is a head scratcher. Somehow Dems, as they always do, make everything about race. Requiring proof of ID to say that you are who you say that you are is somehow racist? Like pretty much everything, your logic is flawed and difficult to understand.
We have BY FAR, the loosest election laws in the modern world.
All of this is true all try to listen to someone besides Fox news and Entertainment and look it up yourself.

How many of you guys were engaged when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though he clearly did it. He had the money to afford the best lawyers a jury that might be sympathetic to him. Voila you have acquittal. Switch races and you have Kyle Rittenhouse.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say the police try to arrest a proud boy he tries to escape and a cop with terrible aim manages to shoot him 6x without killing him. Then let's say black kid goes to a proud boy rally to protect the neighborhood. He feels he's being attacked by proud boy protestors and takes out his assault rifle and kills two and wounds another. He's got unlimited resources like OJ and Rittenhouse and a jury sympathetic to him. Throw in Marcia Clark, Chris Garden, sprinkle a little Mark Fuhrman and pow acquittal.

And you guys would be enraged just like the Rittenhouse protestors.
Hypothetical much? Let’s try to live in reality please.
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We have BY FAR, the loosest election laws in the modern world.
Can someone please post a link or a story of one person who has been unable to vote because of a voter ID law? We hear the left constantly whine about voter laws as racist but I haven’t heard or known of anyone who wants to vote but has been prevented from voting due to voter ID laws. I just want to see one example.

They claim voter ID is voter suppression all the time without any evidence. I want to see the evidence of voter suppression they say is happening everywhere.
TX republicans don't want to work with the Democratic party they want to destroy it.
You are so deep in the bag you can't even see what's happened to your own party.
The democrat party as we all knew it pre-Obama ceases to exist. Those democrats have steadily gone elsewhere like the libertarian party and a good handful to gop.

Your party in current form, top to bottom, is nothing but liers, crooks, marxists, socialists, communists, or out right criminals. You sir, are enabling all of it because you don't have the balls to step out of line and call out the bulls**t.
We no longer share goals and disagree on how best to achieve them. Your corrupt party openly wants to destroy the very fabric of what makes this country the bastion of freedom.

No, I am not a registered republican. More of a libertarian/conservative mix. Leave me alone & I leave you alone, personal responsibility, don't steal, don't murder (including those that can't defend themselves aka unborn children) and help those that cannot help themselves. It's simple but nooooooo, you are dead set on controlling MY life. Get lost.
Greg Abbott say you? Let's see in the last year Greg and his buddies have for all intents and purposes have made abortion illegal in TX. And now a lot of scared women have to go out of state. But fear not fellow Texans you can collect a good old fashioned TX bounty for $10,000 by reporting the insurer and the Dr. That comes in great during the holiday season buy all your Xmas gifts with one check. Pro choice says my body my choice. But in TX now it may be your body but it is my choice. The TX statehouse let a 36 year old Pentecostal pope (virgin said so himself) write a bill that has become law. The best thing for TX republicans is that it's not enforced it's voluntary. Which makes it difficult to challenge in the courts.

Let's see the right to have as many firearms as you want no permit required. So you can have as many as 17 firearms you can make it impossible to get an abortion, and then there's the Lone Star Act which gives white men on the border to arrest anyone without the permission of enforcement. TX has gone into voter restrictions 2.0 which makes it difficult for people who would probably vote democrat. Or somebody who doesn't agree with Texas republicans. TX republicans think they have the state locked down and now they're trying to overreach.

Abbott = craven

Patrick = cruel

Paxton = crook

TX republicans don't want to work with the Democratic party they want to destroy it.
Man I love living in Texas. My body my choice coming from you and your ilk is absolutely hysterical considering what Dildo Joe has done to this country with Covid hoax mandates.
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All of this is true all try to listen to someone besides Fox news and Entertainment and look it up yourself.

How many of you guys were engaged when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though he clearly did it. He had the money to afford the best lawyers a jury that might be sympathetic to him. Voila you have acquittal. Switch races and you have Kyle Rittenhouse.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say the police try to arrest a proud boy he tries to escape and a cop with terrible aim manages to shoot him 6x without killing him. Then let's say black kid goes to a proud boy rally to protect the neighborhood. He feels he's being attacked by proud boy protestors and takes out his assault rifle and kills two and wounds another. He's got unlimited resources like OJ and Rittenhouse and a jury sympathetic to him. Throw in Marcia Clark, Chris Garden, sprinkle a little Mark Fuhrman and pow acquittal.

And you guys would be enraged just like the Rittenhouse protestors.
Did Nicole and Jeremy fires guns at OJ? Case closed
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Can someone please post a link or a story of one person who has been unable to vote because of a voter ID law? We hear the left constantly whine about voter laws as racist but I haven’t heard or known of anyone who wants to vote but has been prevented from voting due to voter ID laws. I just want to see one example.

They claim voter ID is voter suppression all the time without any evidence. I want to see the evidence of voter suppression they say is happening everywhere.
Remember that 1 lady that pelosi paraded out? Yeah, turned out she was a previously deported illegal immigrant so umm....yeah.... there's one.....kinda
Man I love living in Texas. My body my choice coming you you and your ilk is absolutely hysterical considering what Dildo Joe has done to this country with Covid hoax mandates.
Don't defend yourself from being murdered but those babies.......KILL THEM ALL because they aren't old enough to beg for their lives yet.
Thing is, some of the uninformed people who are "outraged" over Rittenhouse legally defending himself actually think that he shot black people. Once some of them found out that not to be the case, suddenly they found something else to protest once they realized that they couldn't make this about race since they were all white.
Passports should not be required for international travel. Government issued photo ID should not be required for domestic air travel. These make such privileges not inclusive. (Sarcasm)

If you have a right to vote, it is very reasonable to expect you to carry a proof. Denying illegal voters is, in my opinion, more important than denying legal voters without an ID the chance to vote.
I would like to destroy the democrat party. So extreme now, I only know of one democrat that is middle of the road with her beliefs. The rest are bat shit crazy!
Very true. Dildo Joe is content wrecking the country and economy if it secured votes.
Man I love living in Texas. My body my choice coming from you and your ilk is absolutely hysterical considering what Dildo Joe has done to this country with Covid hoax mandates.
What about the bodies of the unborn children? What about their choices? Marxist liberals like to scream my body my choice when it comes to abortion but they don’t give a shit about the body or life of the unborn.
This kid was given 2 mil in donations a lot of it by go fund me. So with unlimited access to money the defense was able to stage 2 mock trials one with a mock jury. He had two chances to prepare for this trial which enabled him to prepared for the trial. No question the prosecution didn't prepare for this trial and this trial should have been a slam dunk. But they screwed up. Combine that with a 🤡 judge and you have a recipe for an acquittal. Money will do that for you.

I say this in the nicest way possible, but legally speaking, you’re out of your depth.

I mean damnit Cali. You’re a super nice dude and I’d probably love to have a beer with you, but you want justice for a pedo, don’t know anything about the case and don’t understand self defense laws in this country. Just stop
Greg Abbott say you? Let's see in the last year Greg and his buddies have for all intents and purposes have made abortion illegal in TX. And now a lot of scared women have to go out of state. But fear not fellow Texans you can collect a good old fashioned TX bounty for $10,000 by reporting the insurer and the Dr. That comes in great during the holiday season buy all your Xmas gifts with one check. Pro choice says my body my choice. But in TX now it may be your body but it is my choice. The TX statehouse let a 36 year old Pentecostal pope (virgin said so himself) write a bill that has become law. The best thing for TX republicans is that it's not enforced it's voluntary. Which makes it difficult to challenge in the courts.

Let's see the right to have as many firearms as you want no permit required. So you can have as many as 17 firearms you can make it impossible to get an abortion, and then there's the Lone Star Act which gives white men on the border to arrest anyone without the permission of enforcement. TX has gone into voter restrictions 2.0 which makes it difficult for people who would probably vote democrat. Or somebody who doesn't agree with Texas republicans. TX republicans think they have the state locked down and now they're trying to overreach.

Abbott = craven

Patrick = cruel

Paxton = crook

TX republicans don't want to work with the Democratic party they want to destroy it.

Oh the horror. Women have to be responsible and have a child after having sexual intercourse. What a nightmare.

Anyone can write laws Cali. That’s the beauty of a rep democracy. We can all present ideas to our representatives.

I’m gonna say your entire 2nd paragraph is a regurgitation of MSNBC. What in the actual hell Cali?

The state is the complete opposite of lockdown Cali. Lol, are you drunk?

Patrick is a giant douche though. Paxton is certainly a shady suck bag.
All of this is true all try to listen to someone besides Fox news and Entertainment and look it up yourself.

How many of you guys were engaged when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though he clearly did it. He had the money to afford the best lawyers a jury that might be sympathetic to him. Voila you have acquittal. Switch races and you have Kyle Rittenhouse.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say the police try to arrest a proud boy he tries to escape and a cop with terrible aim manages to shoot him 6x without killing him. Then let's say black kid goes to a proud boy rally to protect the neighborhood. He feels he's being attacked by proud boy protestors and takes out his assault rifle and kills two and wounds another. He's got unlimited resources like OJ and Rittenhouse and a jury sympathetic to him. Throw in Marcia Clark, Chris Garden, sprinkle a little Mark Fuhrman and pow acquittal.

And you guys would be enraged just like the Rittenhouse protestors.

Is there a coherent point in here?
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I say this in the nicest way possible, but legally speaking, you’re out of your depth.

I mean damnit Cali. You’re a super nice dude and I’d probably love to have a beer with you, but you want justice for a pedo, don’t know anything about the case and don’t understand self defense laws in this country. Just stop
Cali has shown his true colors in this thread. Wouldn’t want to have a beer and is not a super nice dude. I’ll leave it there.
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That all depends on individual states laws but it's a non-issue because the gun was picked up at his family's house in Kenosha, it was never transported.
I always knew the weapon was in Wisconsin the whole time. That’s why it was confusing to keep hearing marxists screaming about him crossing state lines as if it was some kind of a smoking gun. Facts and evidence in a courtroom will uncover and determine the truth in most cases. Media is the last place anyone should go if they want to know the truth. Thank God for the American judicial system.
Dems have 3 more years of ridicule and scorn to look forward to and I can guarantee you that Joe Biden will provide plenty of fodder and destruction for years to come. Good choice Dems.
cali, help me with your logic. So "voting restrictions", as you call it, only "restrict" Democrats? The voting laws apply to all people, wouldn't you say? How does this affect only Dems? How libs twist things around when our government is trying to keep elections fair and with integrity is a head scratcher. Somehow Dems, as they always do, make everything about race. Requiring proof of ID to say that you are who you say that you are is somehow racist? Like pretty much everything, your logic is flawed and difficult to understand.
Let me answer that. It restricts Dems because alot of the Dem base are dead beats with no job living off the government. As a whole they are lazy and the majority of them are too lazy to get off the couch, walk their ass down to a voting booth and cast their vote. So here's where the restrictive part comes in. Dildo Joe realizes alot of their base are worthless and lazy and know that the only way they can get their vote is to bring the vote to their door in the form of absentee voting. That's how Covid hoax shutdowns originated if you recall. In essence fair and square voting laws such as requiring voter ID is restricting their lazy base from voting because they are too lazy and stupid to put forth any effort whatsoever. There you have it in a nutshell.
Cali's wife must have intervened and told him to go sleep it off and try again tomorrow.