OT: Rittenhouse found Not Guilty

Remember that 1 lady that pelosi paraded out? Yeah, turned out she was a previously deported illegal immigrant so umm....yeah.... there's one.....kinda
I'm exactly on point.
Cali--my man-- look....

Did Kyle need to be out there doing what he was doing? Nope. But why was he?

Why was he out there? Life is about two things-- cause and effect.

Sincerely, let's do an exercise together.

If you chase someone while holding a gun the effect of that COULD be that you get shot-- especially if that person has a gun as well.

Cause ------ effect.

He chose to chase Kyle, throw something at him, continue chasing him, until he got within arms reach---- and got shot.

Why was he shot? He caused it by chasing and reaching. The effect = being shot. Don't chase, don't get shot.

The skateboarder and felon medic (with an illegal pistol) thought Kyle just randomly shot someone. So they decide to try and be a hero. Cause effect right there. The skateboarder hits Kyle with the board and trues to brain him with a second swing. The effect was-- skateboarder dude gets shot. Don't swing board, don't get shot. Don't play hero, don't get shot. Causes and effects are mounting.

The felon medic then draws his pistol to pursue Kyle. In the act of pulling his pistol, he points it at Kyle. This is a THREAT. This is also the cause. The effect is, his bicep is blown off. Don't draw gun, don't point gun, bicep stays where it's supposed to be. Cause----- effect.

But here's the ultimate Cause and effect.

Kyle Rittenhouse should have been at home in bed. Instead, he was out protecting a friend's business. How would this night have gone for Kyle and the 3 people shot if, well, they'd have been home in bed too?

Cause Effect....
I do believe you may have incorrectly processed what I said so please allow me to rephrase. If I were retreating, evading, falling back, or in the case of Rittenhouse running for my life,....,.I would have 110% turned around, assessed the threat priority and eliminated them with extreme prejudice until
1) they cease to advance
2) all imminent threats assume room temperature
3) I expend all ammo

There are a few caveats.
First of all, I wouldn't have been anywhere near a riot. Mobs are unpredictable and uncontrollable without brute force so even with best intentions it's a VERY compromising environment. You're either part of the chaos or a target of, not my kind of party.

If you have to pull the trigger, you do so until it's no longer needed. I never said I'd go on a murderous rampage, I know that I'm a slow runner so I'd have to stand my ground and if lives are what we're playing for then you bet your progressive ass I'm playing to win at all cost. There is no 2nd place.

Also, lord fauci says gatherings larger than 4 are dangerous so in no way would I disobey and participate in a super spreader event!
What I said was in reference to the golfer accountant saying he'd have shot everyone in sight. And I was telling him he would have Punk'd out

I was certainly not speaking to a distinguished combat veteran like you. I was in the army for 4 years and did not have the privledge of serving in combat. I think I told you I appreciated your service and I can't thank you enough.
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Cali--my man-- look....

Did Kyle need to be out there doing what he was doing? Nope. But why was he?

Why was he out there? Life is about two things-- cause and effect.

Sincerely, let's do an exercise together.

If you chase someone while holding a gun the effect of that COULD be that you get shot-- especially if that person has a gun as well.

Cause ------ effect.

He chose to chase Kyle, throw something at him, continue chasing him, until he got within arms reach---- and got shot.

Why was he shot? He caused it by chasing and reaching. The effect = being shot. Don't chase, don't get shot.

The skateboarder and felon medic (with an illegal pistol) thought Kyle just randomly shot someone. So they decide to try and be a hero. Cause effect right there. The skateboarder hits Kyle with the board and trues to brain him with a second swing. The effect was-- skateboarder dude gets shot. Don't swing board, don't get shot. Don't play hero, don't get shot. Causes and effects are mounting.

The felon medic then draws his pistol to pursue Kyle. In the act of pulling his pistol, he points it at Kyle. This is a THREAT. This is also the cause. The effect is, his bicep is blown off. Don't draw gun, don't point gun, bicep stays where it's supposed to be. Cause----- effect.

But here's the ultimate Cause and effect.

Kyle Rittenhouse should have been at home in bed. Instead, he was out protecting a friend's business. How would this night have gone for Kyle and the 3 people shot if, well, they'd have been home in bed too?

Cause Effect....
And I'm throwing in an add on here because I know one of your likely responses could be "ya but, the 1st amendment allowes you to protest."

Yes. Yes it does. But burning sh!t isn't peaceful-- and that's part of the rules. Protest all you want, but don't break, burn or destroy things that aren't yours.
Let me answer that. It restricts Dems because alot of the Dem base are dead beats with no job living off the government. As a whole they are lazy and the majority of them are too lazy to get off the couch, walk their ass down to a voting booth and cast their vote. So here's where the restrictive part comes in. Dildo Joe realizes alot of their base are worthless and lazy and know that the only way they can get their vote is to bring the vote to their door in the form of absentee voting. That's how Covid hoax shutdowns originated if you recall. In essence fair and square voting laws such as requiring voter ID is restricting their lazy base from voting because they are too lazy and stupid to put forth any effort whatsoever. There you have it in a nutshell.
You don't live in the real world. Most democrats are hard working families trying to make it in the world.
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Oh the horror. Women have to be responsible and have a child after having sexual intercourse. What a nightmare.

Anyone can write laws Cali. That’s the beauty of a rep democracy. We can all present ideas to our representatives.

I’m gonna say your entire 2nd paragraph is a regurgitation of MSNBC. What in the actual hell Cali?

The state is the complete opposite of lockdown Cali. Lol, are you drunk?

Patrick is a giant douche though. Paxton is certainly a shady suck bag.

Is there a coherent point in here?
As ugly as it sounds it's about race and in political pov.
Oh the horror. Women have to be responsible and have a child after having sexual intercourse. What a nightmare.

Anyone can write laws Cali. That’s the beauty of a rep democracy. We can all present ideas to our representatives.

I’m gonna say your entire 2nd paragraph is a regurgitation of MSNBC. What in the actual hell Cali?

The state is the complete opposite of lockdown Cali. Lol, are you drunk?

Patrick is a giant douche though. Paxton is certainly a shady suck bag.

Is there a coherent point in here?
Have you read about Mark Lee Dickson?
What I said was in reference to the golfer accountant saying he'd have shot everyone in sight. And I was telling him he would have Punk'd out

I was certainly not speaking to a distinguished combat veteran like you. I was in the army for 4 years and did not have the privledge of serving in combat. I think I told you I appreciated your service and I can't thank you enough.
The more you post the more I’m reminded that people like you need their own personal Bo Davis following you around 24 hours keeping you in line. As I said previously, I’ll be more than happy to be your Bo Davis.
What I said was in reference to the golfer accountant saying he'd have shot everyone in sight. And I was telling him he would have Punk'd out

I was certainly not speaking to a distinguished combat veteran like you. I was in the army for 4 years and did not have the privledge of serving in combat. I think I told you I appreciated your service and I can't thank you enough.
Oh boy Cali . . . you and I most definitely see the world through different lenses, which is fine. However, my posts or replies to your posts are grounded in some fact. Above, you're incorrectly and inappropriately attributing to me a heinous act. Not cool.

Please show me where I stated what you are attributing to me. Or, retract the statement.
Dems going to get to see their boy Biden and their party die a long slow death politically these next 3 years. Biden is already un-re- electable by his own party after just one year, imagine where they'll be after 3 more years of him and his policies, they'll all be begging for Orangeman or DeSantis to save the country
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cali, with all due respect, perhaps you should consider the feedback from others here on things that you've said. Ever consider that others might have a point and that your ideology might be out of touch?
Oh the horror. Women have to be responsible and have a child after having sexual intercourse. What a nightmare.

Anyone can write laws Cali. That’s the beauty of a rep democracy. We can all present ideas to our representatives.

I’m gonna say your entire 2nd paragraph is a regurgitation of MSNBC. What in the actual hell Cali?

The state is the complete opposite of lockdown Cali. Lol, are you drunk?

Patrick is a giant douche though. Paxton is certainly a shady suck bag.

Is there a coherent point in here?
Look our country is more divided asking racial lines than ever before. I've gone over and maybe my analogy was to to rambling. I get emotional about politics. But back to the first sentence. Along racial lines people are taking sides. As a white person I read a lot of comments like this on this board and shake my head. Something is really wrong with @Belldozer1 and golfer accountant. Not only that they're proud to stay how they feel.

California has nothing to do with my leanings. I've always considered myself liberal so is my family were all seeing this and there really isn't anything I can do about it.

But it's nice to see read that most people on the Ahmad Arburuy thread agree that Ahmad Arburuy's killers should go to prison.
I will when you will.

Just trying to help you out. As nice as I can say it, you don't get it, and that's confirmed by your response. Not one person here supports your position on this and many other of your stances, yet you don't even consider that others may have valid points. Also, your stubbornness won't let you admit how much worse off this country is and what a complete failure that Biden and the Dems are with them now in control because in your mind that would be giving Trump credit in some way for how he ran the country.
The DA will catch heat but he will push it off the the prosecuting attorney. That dudes life is over. He will likely run the risk of losing his law license. If you knowingly with-hold evidence from the defense, you're fvcked.

Now Kyle-- Kyle needs to hire the best civil firm in the country that specializes in libel and slander and sue every single mother fvcker that stood infront of a camera or posted sh!t on the internet, and sue every network and social media outlet that allowed those lies to be spread, while simultaneously deleting posts by anyone who try to defend the kids with facts.

Chris Cuomo-- sue him for 1 billion. Anderson Cooper and wolf blitzer-- a billion each. CNN-- 10 billion. NBC and msnbc, 10 billion each. ABC, Disney 100 billion. President Dipsh!t-- 100 billion. Twitter, 10 billion. Facebook, 100 billion. Sue the living life out of them all.
You're an educated man do you really want to see this happen? You really have a hate for people who don't agree with you? Look I let myself get emotional on this thread don't you think you are?
Look our country is more divided asking racial lines than ever before. I've gone over and maybe my analogy was to to rambling. I get emotional about politics. But back to the first sentence. Along racial lines people are taking sides. As a white person I read a lot of comments like this on this board and shake my head. Something is really wrong with @Belldozer1 and golfer accountant. Not only that they're proud to stay how they feel.

California has nothing to do with my leanings. I've always considered myself liberal so is my family were all seeing this and there really isn't anything I can do about it.

But it's nice to see read that most people on the Ahmad Arburuy thread agree that Ahmad Arburuy's killers should go to prison.
My response in the Arburuy thread is sarcasm. Seems kind of obvious they're probably going to jail.
Look our country is more divided asking racial lines than ever before. I've gone over and maybe my analogy was to to rambling. I get emotional about politics. But back to the first sentence. Along racial lines people are taking sides. As a white person I read a lot of comments like this on this board and shake my head. Something is really wrong with @Belldozer1 and golfer accountant. Not only that they're proud to stay how they feel.

California has nothing to do with my leanings. I've always considered myself liberal so is my family were all seeing this and there really isn't anything I can do about it.

But it's nice to see read that most people on the Ahmad Arburuy thread agree that Ahmad Arburuy's killers should go to prison.
Race has absolutely nothing to do with my posts.

Yes, I am extremely proud to be against wide open borders and illegal immigration and a staunch advocate for energy independence, fair and just prosecution of the laws on the books, and the U.S. Constitution. "Something is really wrong" with this?

I urge you to find one slanderous comment I've made. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for you to retract your slanderous comment in an earlier post.
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In the end the cause of two deaths and 1 blown to pieces bicep was Rosenbaum. If he doesn’t chase Rittenhouse none of this occurs. There were other individuals with ARs but for some reason Rosenbaum picked on Rittenhouse. You can even hear one of the other rioters tell Rosenbaum stop are you trying to get us shot/killed.
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Lol @outhereincali this us right up your alley. So some woke California crime expert doesn’t want to call the recent crime wave in California ‘looting’ because it’s racist Chucklz. Hmmm I wonder why it would be considered racist?? They must have all been white trash doing the looting?
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You're an educated man do you really want to see this happen? You really have a hate for people who don't agree with you? Look I let myself get emotional on this thread don't you think you are?
I have no hate for any person who trues to do the best they can with what they've got.

But the blatant lies that have been crammed down the throats of American consumers over the last 6 years has to stop. The media must be punished so it stops its wanton disregard for the truth. Cali-- you do realize that the "Trump Russia collusion" bull sh!t that was pushed by almost EVERY media outlet has now been completely debunked? You know that..... right?

When you lie about someone over and over again you should be held to account. I can go to Chris Cuomo's house and kick the living sh!t out of him infront of his wife and kids-- and yes, I'd get a lifetime of gratification out if it, but a few years of my lifetime would be spent behind bars-- my punishment for putting Cuomo in a coma. Or-- I can sue the life out of him, take his homes and cash, and he'll be fine because he makes 3 million a year. And maybe he'll learn his lesson about lying.
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