Remember that 1 lady that pelosi paraded out? Yeah, turned out she was a previously deported illegal immigrant so umm....yeah.... there's one.....kinda
Cali--my man-- look....
Did Kyle need to be out there doing what he was doing? Nope. But why was he?
Why was he out there? Life is about two things-- cause and effect.
Sincerely, let's do an exercise together.
If you chase someone while holding a gun the effect of that COULD be that you get shot-- especially if that person has a gun as well.
Cause ------ effect.
He chose to chase Kyle, throw something at him, continue chasing him, until he got within arms reach---- and got shot.
Why was he shot? He caused it by chasing and reaching. The effect = being shot. Don't chase, don't get shot.
The skateboarder and felon medic (with an illegal pistol) thought Kyle just randomly shot someone. So they decide to try and be a hero. Cause effect right there. The skateboarder hits Kyle with the board and trues to brain him with a second swing. The effect was-- skateboarder dude gets shot. Don't swing board, don't get shot. Don't play hero, don't get shot. Causes and effects are mounting.
The felon medic then draws his pistol to pursue Kyle. In the act of pulling his pistol, he points it at Kyle. This is a THREAT. This is also the cause. The effect is, his bicep is blown off. Don't draw gun, don't point gun, bicep stays where it's supposed to be. Cause----- effect.
But here's the ultimate Cause and effect.
Kyle Rittenhouse should have been at home in bed. Instead, he was out protecting a friend's business. How would this night have gone for Kyle and the 3 people shot if, well, they'd have been home in bed too?
Cause Effect....