You can go round and round on this I talked to Charlie Strong Deal - but it doesn't make it true, it's not a fact.
(Yes it doesn't make it false either I acknowledge)
Lets examine 2 scenarios so quickly - because I just can't find the motivation to type them out as fully as I have before, I don't know that you'll even listen.
Scenario #1
Swoopes was way ahead of Buechelle just as described.......and then he caught up and things played out how you describe them....Strong talked to you and couldn't believe the flack Anwar was catching.
Scenario #2
Swoopes was not way ahead - either he wasn't ahead at all / or he was ahead but they were wanting to get him to start limiting his turnovers / improve / misdirection for Notre Dame / keep Swoopes engaged on the team - any number of detailed reasons that lots of people have described.
Strong and staff fed info to Anwar / and then onto other for the aforementioned reasons...
Strong then talked to you and couldn't believe the flack Anwar was catching....
-- Reasoning in assigning %'s above
You feel Strong wasn't smart enough to use Scenario 2 would lead to 1 getting a higher %? but you feel 100% certain it seems without any doubt of wiggle room - (which I don't believe the call explains)
Reasons why many of your subscribers feel something along the lines of Scenario 2 is reasonable - the fact that Buechelle started the Notre Dame Game / and that Swoopes wasn't even trusted to get passing plays called out of his package even at the beginning of the season, like literally NO passes, that just doesn't jive with someone who was way ahead in the QB competition.
Why I feel like we can't have a reasonable discussion about the above - and what limits you credibility in this discussion is that you only think Scenario 1 is even possible in your mind.
If I was going to assign percentages? I would call it 25% #1 and 75% #2..... If you were able to better discuss the it reasonably then I would give #1 more weight because I would trust your judgement more in this case