Ahem. This is the shit you enablers have enabled. Lifting up and supporting a president that has no problems supporting a goddamn abuser of women.
You're complicit at this point in your support.
You run this site. Yet you try to start fights with and denigrate people that are not woke (I despise that word) enough for you. Maybe you should conduct a poll on why we come here and what is driving us away. I frankly have developed an intense dislike for you, which affects my ability to enjoy coming here. This is not because of your politics but because you are an a-hole who uses your pulpit to beat me over the head with them. I respect your right to hold opinions for what are probably complex and nuanced reasons. You might want to try a little humility and apply some of the same compassion for others. (Hey, go nuts on Briles on your own time. No love lost here. But tone it all down here and check yourself a bit at the door so to speak).
I come here to read about Longhorn sports with a side of humor, human interest, food, music and culture, and the occasional sand truck, Cheeto/ginger, bizarro E Texas murder mystery-family love triangle. The only thing I care less about than your or anyone’s politics on this site is bro jobs ( and the Wachovia bro down thread).
Sports and Longhorn sports is supposed to be something that we can come together on and leave everything else at the door.
I understand that sports can be a platform for social issues (Jackie Robinson, Tex Winter’s TX Western victory over Adolph Rupp’s Kentucky team), but let that develop organically.
We are your customer base. Your responsibility is to deliver us a service not lecture and insult us. Keep it up and you will lose this site. If I were your boss, I would have summarily fired you a long time ago for your disrespectful treatment of otherwise peaceful members.
Maybe you should get back to work on the core mission of the site, which frankly ain’t doing so hot. When is the last time I saw a real scoop here? Seriously when? (Anwar did break that Herman et al are headed to Cali, but you whiffed on the real Bru scoop and are playing catch up.). Aside from McComas on baseball and Alex breaking down the granular aspects of football - those two are amazing on substance, what increases my understanding of the sports? Anwar writes thoughtfully and Suchomel holds it all together from what I can tell. The whole staff, other than you for the past few years, seem like good people I would like to sit down and drink a beer with. They are the glue that keep us here. I can only imagine how they must cringe at times. You are single handedly alienating people.
My advice is that some introspection is in order. Maybe a sabbatical. Bluntly, your behavior is not normal. (I am very sorry about your father, but that is too much when I come her for Longhorn stuff. And the part about the date hyperventilating during a make out session? Please keep that to yourself. That is not normal to share. ). And your somewhat resentful take about the Bru situation interrupting your cookout is telling. Stuff happens in all of our jobs. When you lose the desire for the adrenaline that comes with the inevitable crises at the worst times that people depend on us for, then it may be time to take a step back.
Maybe you are burnt out or want to turn your interests elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that. I have been at my career for almost 30 years and have little patience for the parts I am tired of or bore me after all these years. I have to be constantly aware not to let that show in my demeanor or service level. And I am consciously developing away from those things to try to stay fresh. But if your true interest lies in political activism, I do think you need to move away from a Longhorn sports site. Or find a way to separate the two.
Think about it and take it easy and dial the rest back. (BTW, I see by your posts this morning that you are just throwing more weird, insulting(?) flames on the fire.)
Peace and Hook em