I just cant take your QB conversations seriously anymore. You and Alex have become Sam fanboys to the point of silliness.
Sam is bigger than Shane, yes. Sams body is not likely to wear down like Shane? No. First, facts matter, Sam went out for most all his senior year in HIGH SCHOOL because his body got hurt. Shane played all year in COLLEGE, and played every play, even if with dings that hurt his performance.
Second, Sam is a decent runner based on what we saw Saturday, but he is far from a Heard, let alone Vince. Lest see what happens when he runs against a team with a pulse. Frankly, I hope if he starts against USC he doesn't have to run often.
Your other point about Sam driving the ball down the field is equally misguided. I liked Sams aggressiveness Saturday. That said, I liked Shanes aggressiveness against Md. Its a better offense than last years, which was very limited. Rarely did a throw go over the middle last year. I get that, it was a simple offense built for Shane, a true freshmen. But even with that, Shane threw many, many downfield passes. His lack of arm strength is highly exaggerated by the Sam fans, like you.
Last week Shane threw lots of passes he didn't try last year. Over the middle, wide outs, intermediates. He did fine with them. Herman said that was the plan, to get his WRs the ball on the outside to run against Md. Clearly the plan against SJS was even more wide open, and Sam threw passes all over the field.
But while Sam threw those passes, he missed on many of them, including guys wide open. His touch was non existent, and his receivers missed balls that weren't very catchable, unlike the touch passes Shane throws. And if Sam throws those wild passes next Saturday, he is going to get lit up, because even SJS should have had three picks.
Bottom line, Sam has a lot of talent, and a pretty high ceiling. I love having him on the team, and I think in time he will be a very good QB. But his play Saturday wasn't near as strong as Shanes play was last year. Shane is an unusually mature kid, likely due to growing up in a major league family. He may not be a rah rah kid, but his intensity is fine. I saw it all day Saturday, even while he wasn't playing. Its unfair that you and a few Sam cheerleaders here are running down Shanes ceiling. The kid has every bit as high a ceiling as Sam. He is a different athlete, but you put him on Bamas team and he can win a Natty.
Stick to facts please Ketch, your hyperbole and desire to be the contrarian isn't a positive for the site.