Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (On Bru McCoy, Mount Vernon ISD and more ...)

Nobody is advocating putting him in jail, nor would I be in favor of the police or military interfering with his rights. He has a right to a job certainly. I would love for a fair and impartial prosecutor to look at all of the actions of Baylor coaches and officials to see if any laws have been broken.

Employers have a right to make a hire decision based on public information as long as they are not discriminating against a legally protected class. As citizens, we have a right to have an opinion as to who our government hires and to express that opinion - which is all that we are doing. If it causes this school district to change its mind about the person they chose to hire, nobody's rights will have been violated. Art Briles has no more "rights" to that job than anyone else.

Agreed. It's akin to us having the right to yell fire in a crowded theater but then being responsible for the damage that you alone caused by doing so. Responsibility holds hands with Rights and past performance is the most reliable indicator of future performance.

I once used Facebook and other social media to check on applicants who presented themselves as one type of person. The company i worked for later determined that managers could not use FB any longer in the hiring process due to possible discriminatory impact, but I thought it was pretty valuable the few times I did. Briles as a public figure has no right to a job without having his past scrutinized and balanced against his achievements to determine his deserving a job offer or not. If there was one girl affected and he had made amends with her and her family that would be a different story than his continuing denials and the pretty overwhelming numbers of young ladies involved. By all accounts he's also comported himself as a king sized prick too, which doesn't help him either.
The truth is that all of them have regretful connections for actions related to the discussion, including Hilary.

yet, I won't let anyone rationalize their protection of a ****ing horrible human being in the name of pointing to other people who could also have done better in their instances with the subject, which really isn't apples to apples.

It's a intellectually disingenuous comparison and position to take.

Anything other than, "he's wrong and a piece of shit" can take a back seat because you're not being the type of person the women in your life surely deserve.

We think your outrage at politicians’ sh_tty treatment of women began on November 9, 2016. If I’m wrong, link to where you demonstrate otherwise.
I think that's part of it, but it's just a single layer in a discussion that has tons of them.

true-- I'm just giving the headline version. I know that your knowledge of this topic is much deeper than mine, and I think we all appreciate the passion and professionalism you brought to bear(no pun intended) on the subject.
It must really suck for some of you that cape for shitty people to realize I don't cape for shitty people just because they share some of my ideologies. It completely undermines the point many of you hope to make.

Good grief! Either you meant to politicize it or you didn’t. Either way, you did politicize it.
Don’t you think your point could have been made without that line? Was that line the linchpin of your argument? Or was it just that little extra jab?
That line distracts from your argument. When some point it out, you accuse them of being enablers themselves.
My conclusion is that either you are too dense to see it, or you knew, and decided to incite anyway.

Truth be told, it really doesn’t upset me, it’s just so predictable.

Nowhere in my posts did I remotely defend what Trump said, nor did I enable a despicable man in Briles.
It's pretty sad on your part @Ketchum to bring the Superintendent's family into this.....pathetic.

He said nothing about McCulloch's family other than the pictorial evidence of a man's love for his lovely wife and two cute as a button daughters hiring a man with a track record of ignoring the evidence of abuse directed at a lot of other men's daughters. It made quite a contrast and Ketch said nothing pathetic at all.
He said nothing about McCulloch's family other than the pictorial evidence of a man's love for his lovely wife and two cute as a button daughters hiring a man with a track record of ignoring the evidence of abuse directed at a lot of other men's daughters. It made quite a contrast and Ketch said nothing pathetic at all.

Posting that picture is pathetic.......but hey that's the sjw way.
It’s funny that the millennials and SJWs always get labeled as snowflakes but the snowflake Trump fans lose their shit if someone dares to even quote their man in a less than flattering way. Ketch quoted a very famous dude who made a very famous statement justifying sexual assault, in an opinion piece criticizing a school district for hiring a known sexual assault enabler, and y’all are freaking out because Ketch “politicized” a very political issue. It was a relevant quote Y’all made it into way more than it was. What a bunch of loons.
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Honestly, Mount Vernon is just a microcosm of things going on in this country.
Is it really? Briles has effectively been blackballed by pro teams in two countries and every college team in the USA. Because some misguided podunk HS hires him is hardly symbolic of the feeling of the country.
The funny thing is that neither side in this thread are arguing about the same thing. Gotta love OBs
It’s funny that the millennials and SJWs always get labeled as snowflakes but the snowflake Trump fans lose their shit if someone dares to even quote their man in a less than flattering way. Ketch quoted a very famous dude who made a very famous statement justifying sexual assault, in an opinion piece criticizing a school district for hiring a known sexual assault enabler, and y’all are freaking out because Ketch “politicized” a very political issue. It was a relevant quote Y’all made it into way more than it was. What a bunch of loons.

I personally was thinking it got politicized when Ketch basically used the 60 plus million people who voted for Trump to somehow link his displeasure with the voters for not delivering a candidate of his moral approval directly to Trump supporters approving/enabling knowingly sexual assault & rape culture. Which is beyond absurd and most certainly pathetic.

I didn't mention it at the time as I figured it would in no way be productive to the debate. However, since the obvious is now happening....(you, Ketch along with a few others) now are somehow oblivious to how some posters could think the thread was getting a bit more politically slanted as it progressed throughout.

I decided I would point it out from my perspective.
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I’m not telling anyone what to think, y’all can think what you want, but if you think Briles is an ok guy and you’re gonna defend him and Trump by saying, “what about Clinton????”, then I will tell you what I think about your moral relativism. Look, I didn’t vote for Clinton or Trump. I think they’re both horrible when it comes to their treatment of women. But if someone wants to spout off in defense of Trump and Briles by hollering about how scummy Clinton was in some lame sort of whataboutism, I’m gonna tell that dude that he’s an idiot. If that makes me an SJW so be it.

You two are agreeing with each other that both Trump and Clinton are sexual predators while Ketch will only bash one and give Clinton a pass. Ketch is the one being a hypocrite.

He also shouldn’t have posted the Superintendent’s family’s photo if he really cares about women and innocent little girls. They had nothing to do his decision and vitriol and hatred should not be directed to the wife and little girls way because of the morally bankrupt decision of the husband and father. Just posting his picture should have been enough.
There’s a lot more than just magic who didn’t fade in their first appearance in the confernce finals win or lose. Giannis just could not handle the pressure. Hopefully for him he grows from this series but man did he fade down the stretch of the last 4 games.
Little bit but more like he got exposed, especially in crunch time. Has a lot of work to do offensively and if he gets there watch out.
I was with you on the Briles rant and then you had to try to link Trump to him. You couldn’t help it.

Yes, it was a bad thing for Trump to say-no action, it was something he said.

Hell, you could have referenced an action, maybe, someone sticking a cigar up an intern. Or someone credibly accused of raping or assaulting several women-but you just couldn’t help yourself.

Be better...
Wow. Interesting interpretation of what was not there. But since we're here, I'm glad you clearly have guilt feelings about supporting President "Grab'em by the p#ssy." You win the thread tool award. Congrats!
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Wow. Interesting interpretation of what was not there. But since we're here, I'm glad you clearly have guilt feelings about supporting President "Grab'em by the p#ssy." You win the thread tool award. Congrats!

I’m still up so I’ll play. I was precise in what I said and did NOT say. I did not excuse Trump. I did not enable Briles.

I repeatedly and specifically stated that I don’t condone either.

I did, however, specifically point out Ketch’s political statement. I also pointed out what I believe was either a lack of judgment, or a specific jab. Was that statement critical to his argument, or distracting?

I gave Ketch the benefit of the doubt that he meant to write what he wrote. Maybe I gave him, and others who lack comprehension of my posts, too much credit. One more time-I’m critical of both.

Again, his board. If he wants to break the rules he sets forth for others, that’s his prerogative.

I am certainly not alone in recognizing what he did and his longstanding pattern. Furthering the pattern, accusing those that disagree, or take issue, of doing precisely what he is.

That’s some high quality mental jujitsu.
"Full transparency - I wasn't sure that I wanted kids for a large portion of my life because I thought there were already too many people living on the planet and, if I'm truly keeping it real, I wanted to avoid situations like these"

Understand...especially since we only have 12 more years to live. And watching all the UFO reports, our planet will be taken over by aliens anyway.
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Fascinating that you can't see this through anything other than a prism of party. Nice caping for sexual assault predators.
Self rifgteous? He's right, you introduced the obvious political reference. Otherwise, I truly marveled at how well that was written; both technically and theme-wise. At the top of the list of essays I've read these dsys; and I read a lot.
Toronto shut
What did Giannis average in his first Conference finals at the age 24?

While you look it up, realize that he had a poor couple of games by incredibly lofty standards and he'll learn from it.

Happened to Lebron. happened to Dirk. happened to KD. Happened to Kobe.

Toronto made the whole team look bad. There was a huge coaching strategy that took Gianni and his pals out of their bread and butter and they had no response. Sag on Gianni and give him the three and play tight on the rest. The Greek Freak has to develop his outside game.
Way too many people have stayed in complete silence, in an effort not to rock the boat.
That's the point! Whether it's sports figures, entertainers, the Catholic Church, teachers from the 1970s or the family systems of the abused women i/we have dated that chose to shrug their shoulders and look the other way in order to not upset the family apple cart it is a painful thing to uncover and shed light on from so many angles. It's an issue that is throughout all of our culture and our culture must pay the price of fixing it. Of course, human nature being what it is, sexual abuse will always be with us. But we must be persistent.
Sweet comments re: Buckner. And Starr who delivered a dagger to the city of Dallas still reeling from the Kennedy assassination. Can you imagine if replay had been around?
How many times do you think we've seen that play in our lifetimes? 10,000?
Who TF are you to tell me what I am or am not being? Your scorched earth take on this whole situation has you on tilt. I didn't defend the hire, I only pointed to a more appropriate comparison than the one you used in your post. Be much better
we can all be much better.
Agreed. It's akin to us having the right to yell fire in a crowded theater but then being responsible for the damage that you alone caused by doing so. Responsibility holds hands with Rights and past performance is the most reliable indicator of future performance.

I once used Facebook and other social media to check on applicants who presented themselves as one type of person. The company i worked for later determined that managers could not use FB any longer in the hiring process due to possible discriminatory impact, but I thought it was pretty valuable the few times I did. Briles as a public figure has no right to a job without having his past scrutinized and balanced against his achievements to determine his deserving a job offer or not. If there was one girl affected and he had made amends with her and her family that would be a different story than his continuing denials and the pretty overwhelming numbers of young ladies involved. By all accounts he's also comported himself as a king sized prick too, which doesn't help him either.
He's never truly apologized or taken accountability for what happened.

How does he get a second chance before that happens?
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It's pretty sad on your part @Ketchum to bring the Superintendent's family into this.....pathetic.
It's amazing what sometimes gets passed around as pathetic and what sometimes gets ignored.

His having young women in his home is an important part of the story IMO. It's our jobs as fathers to take stands for our daughters.

It's not my fault that he hasn't.
Is it really? Briles has effectively been blackballed by pro teams in two countries and every college team in the USA. Because some misguided podunk HS hires him is hardly symbolic of the feeling of the country.
Maybe go read Brenda Tracey's Twitter mentions and get back to us.
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Did this dude ever make it to the pool? No sure there was really a barbecue he was invited to yesterday either.
I did.

a. It damn near gave me an anxiety attack being around my kids, my mom and my wife at the same time near water.

b. I made the cookout up. I don't have friends.
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You two are agreeing with each other that both Trump and Clinton are sexual predators while Ketch will only bash one and give Clinton a pass. Ketch is the one being a hypocrite.
You just made that up. That's simply untrue, as evidenced by numerous posts in this thread. Perhaps I'm a hypocrite (we all are), but you know what I'm not?

A liar.
Self rifgteous? He's right, you introduced the obvious political reference. Otherwise, I truly marveled at how well that was written; both technically and theme-wise. At the top of the list of essays I've read these dsys; and I read a lot.
Our world is what it is. I'm not going to play fantasy for people in an effort to not point out the sky is blue and the world is round.

That point was incredibly relevant, even if it made some of you uncomfortable. That was kind of the point.
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Toronto shut

Toronto made the whole team look bad. There was a huge coaching strategy that took Gianni and his pals out of their bread and butter and they had no response. Sag on Gianni and give him the three and play tight on the rest. The Greek Freak has to develop his outside game.
I was stunned at how the Bucks crumbled. I really believed the Sixers had taken several pounds of flesh from the Rapts.

That they rolled off four straight after falling down 0-2 is just wild.
That's the point! Whether it's sports figures, entertainers, the Catholic Church, teachers from the 1970s or the family systems of the abused women i/we have dated that chose to shrug their shoulders and look the other way in order to not upset the family apple cart it is a painful thing to uncover and shed light on from so many angles. It's an issue that is throughout all of our culture and our culture must pay the price of fixing it. Of course, human nature being what it is, sexual abuse will always be with us. But we must be persistent.
here here
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The truth is that all of them have regretful connections for actions related to the discussion, including Hilary.

yet, I won't let anyone rationalize their protection of a ****ing horrible human being in the name of pointing to other people who could also have done better in their instances with the subject, which really isn't apples to apples.

It's a intellectually disingenuous comparison and position to take.

Anything other than, "he's wrong and a piece of shit" can take a back seat because you're not being the type of person the women in your life surely deserve.

We think your outrage at politicians’ sh_tty treatment of women began on November 9, 2016. If I’m wrong, link to where you demonstrate otherwise.

We know you’ve criticized Briles and company; most of us have. Yet you brought politics into this discussion. Still waiting for that link where you’ve previously criticized any politicians for their mysogynistic behavior (other than one in particular in this thread).